
On my birthday this year, I started a gratitude journal. I try to find five things every day that I am grateful for and write them down before I go to bed. Sometimes I'm too tired before my head hits the pillow, but I do my best.

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Location: Fairfax, VA

Writer for hire, playwright at heart, mom of two, a vocational singer... the list goes on.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Why Gratitude

Because I resolved to stay more positive
Because finding a few things every day to be thankful for helps me sleep
Because I like lists
Because it's the little things that make me smile

Some of my favorites from the past several months:

(These all start with "I am grateful for")

Sam's laugh and first wave
That I didn't have to cook or lead Seder this year
Syd's excitement over daffodils, tulips and grape hyacinths
Molly Binder for a great interview
The sun for shining on my run today
Tottenham not losing so Marc was in a good mood today
DVR for Sunday shows on Monday
People who are honest
My parents for watching the kids for free
Lawn chairs