
On my birthday this year, I started a gratitude journal. I try to find five things every day that I am grateful for and write them down before I go to bed. Sometimes I'm too tired before my head hits the pillow, but I do my best.

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Location: Fairfax, VA

Writer for hire, playwright at heart, mom of two, a vocational singer... the list goes on.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am grateful for:

1. My daughter's "Weekend News" assignment from kindergarten--each Monday, she has to write a line or two about what she did over the weekend and illustrate it. She brings it home on Tuesdays. It provides me with a great perspective on what she takes away from family time. Last week's was (direct quote): "I pattid foewos with my mom." That would be "I planted flowers with my mom." It's so sweet--and up above my desk at work now. Makes me smile every time I see it.

2. My husband--for getting my daughter ready for school this morning and taking her in so I could stay in bed 1/2 hour longer (something he usually gets to do!)

3. A quiet week at work so I have time to surf and blog

4. Fiber One Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cereal bars--yum! way to kill that chocolate craving!

5. My hip--for not having an all-out revolt and allowing me to run 3.5 minutes this morning during my walk

Monday, May 04, 2009

Resurrecting the Five Things

Trying to focus on the positive...

Five things I'm grateful for today:

1. The rain--I don't have to water the flowers or the vegetables today.
2. Telecommuting--so I don't have to miss parent observation week at my daughter's dance school this afternoon.
3. Sweet Life Knitters--for giving me the strength and encouragement to finish the damned socks already. They are done!
4. NPR podcasts--they made 1.25 hours at the gym fly by yesterday.
5. The ten minutes I got to spend with my son this morning just being silly, teaching him a little bit of Spanish and listening to him crack up at his own mispronunciation (on purpose) of words like "cleam cheese." That's when I realized he was rolling his "r"s on purpose and hence, the Spanish. Very amusing. I haven't laughed that hard in a good long time.